Try for Free

William Channon

Key Performance Improvements

1. Overall Performance Score:

The staging site is capable of a perfect 100% performance score on GTMetrix, highlighting a significant improvement in overall site optimisation compared to the live site.

2. Loading Speed Enhancements:

MetricLive SiteStaging Site% Improvementx Times Faster
Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)2.4 seconds595 milliseconds75.2% faster4x faster
Total Blocking Time (TBT)525 milliseconds0 milliseconds100% fasterN/A
Time to Interactive (TTI)2.5 seconds479 milliseconds80.8% faster5.2x faster

3. Improved Visual Stability:

Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) on the staging site is 0, ensuring that no unexpected shifts occur during loading, resulting in a smoother user experience.

4. Page Size Reduction:

The total page size is 15.7% smaller, reducing from 2.10 MB on the live site to 1.77 MB on the staging site. This decrease in size contributes to faster load times and better overall performance.

5. Fewer Resource Requests:

The staging site significantly reduces the number of requests made, with only 37 requests, a 50.7% reduction compared to the 75 requests on the live site. Fewer requests improve efficiency and speed up the page load.

6. First Contentful Paint (FCP) Enhancement:

First Contentful Paint (FCP) is 2.1x faster, with the staging site rendering initial content in just 466 milliseconds, compared to 1.0 second on the live site.

ResourceLive SiteStaging Site% Reduction
Total Page Size2.10 MB1.77 MB15.7% reduction
Total Requests75 requests37 requests50.7% reduction
Author Photo

By Eliot Webb